Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope that all of you have had a lovely long weekend. I've so enjoyed getting back here to share with you all, the things in my heart and mind; my thoughts, emotions, experiences, experiments in the kitchen, the whole thing.
I've always been passionate about sharing through my words, and so for you to be here, reading these strings of sentences, means more to me than you can imagine. So before I jump into number 11 of my random thoughts series, I just wanted to say thank you. For sharing in this space, for listening, for being here, and for all the things that this current string of words can't capture. I hope you read on, and make your way to the end of this blog, where I leave with a little note on joy.
Hello! Happy Sunday! As I just posted my weekly food prep on my social feeds, it was important for me to speak about the idea of meal prep and food prep from the Ayurvedic perspective.
Before I start, I want to first mention that I am all about practicality, and I personally function out of practicality. There is always an ideal, but how do we get as close to the ideal as we can without sacrificing basic Ayurvedic principles. So, first and foremost in the world of meal/food prep, is to talk about the concept of prana. Happy mid-February. This year has taken me much into the world of contemplation on living in line with the 8-fold path of Yoga. The deeper I get into my personal practice and into my weekly teachings, the desire to study and live in alignment with everything that I am teaching just continues to increase. I realize this is the power of intention and truly the power of just sheer absorption from books to life.