I was a little late in my intention-setting for the new year. I think I gave up on resolutions a while ago, but intention-setting is the new resolutions. Right? We call it bhāvanā in Sanskrit, and there's something about sending your intentions out into the universe that really clicks with me. I've always been a believer of the universe being on my (your) side. With a little faith and surrender to whatever it is that you believe in, I whole-heartedly believe your dreams will come true. Of course, effort is required on my side, but that's a given. Anyways. I spent my evening today and yesterday just thinking through what it is that I am seeking this year. If you follow me on instagram, you saw that there are 5 main categories that I'm looking to live into and show up as a better Nishita in: health, work, personal, relationships, and spiritual. One of the biggest learning lessons in the recent years has been that you can't state very vague statements and hope that life will change. There's a level of concreteness that is required to be successful and put forth true and sincere effort into whatever it is you are intending. So, it's not helpful to just say that you want eat healthier, but make it concrete. I will do intermittent fasting, I will drink x amount of ounces of water each day, etc.
As I was thinking through these tangible things that I can implement in my life within these areas, I was reminded of one of the greatest tools Ayurveda gives us. It's the concept of grounding in certain things at certain times of the day. When we bring consistency into our life, the vata which can derange us from our to-do lists gets grounded in, and we can actually hone in our creativity and the expansive beauty that vata gives us in our life. What does this look like? Well, think about doing certain things at certain times of the day. When our body and mind can expect certain things, it is easier for our being to digest whatever it is we're about to take in. Our bodies don't like to be shocked and surprised. I took this same principle to these areas with these tangible tasks. It's the same exact concept. When we ground in certain things to do, it helps structure the day and brings a sense of grounding. With the world the way it is today, we have no choice but to find some sort of grounding in our life. It's the only we are going to stay sane y'all! Here are a few things that I've thought through for the year, to bring grounding into my own life.
You can see I like to use times of the day. This just helps to bring some structure and more concreteness to my day. Remember, the more concrete you can be, the easier your goal will be attainable. Abstract concepts are hard to grab onto, hence why it's called abstract! Although there may be some sense of unpredictability that remains as we go into 2021, I really encourage you to find even the tiniest bit. Whatever this looks like for you! And stick with it. There will be days that don't seem as though it will work, but push through. Take your well-being into your own hands, because no one else is going to do it. much love, -n
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